
1026日晚,我院成功举办“海岛法律制度与政策”线上外文讲座。讲座由加拿大爱德华王子岛大学岛屿研究硕士项目教授Andrew Halliday和新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学法学院荣休教授Tony Angelo KC(皇家律师)担任主讲人,自然资源部海岛研究中心副研究员邓云成担任评议人,福建师范大学法学院林诚副教授担任主持人。法学院全体研究生及本科卓越班学生参与了本次讲座。 







FJNU School of Law successfully hosted the “Island Law and Policy” special lectures


On 26 October evening, Fujian Normal University School of Law successfully hosted the “Island Law and Policy” special lectures. FJNU Law was honoured to welcome two distinguished guest speakers, Prof Andrew Halliday of the Island Studies programme at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada, and Prof Tony Angelo KC of Faculty of Law, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The commentator of the event was Professor Yuncheng Deng of the Island Research Centre, China’s Ministry of Natural Resources. The lectures were moderated by Dr Cheng Lin, Associate Professor at FJNU School of Law.


Prof Halliday’s lecture reflected upon policymaking in Prince Edward Island in the context of a smaller subnational island jurisdiction within the Canadian federalist system, during the initial waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Prof Angelo KC delivered his speech on “New Zealand: colonised, coloniser, decoloniser” from the perspective of international law.


The lectures were very much interesting and informative. FJNU Law students found it a valuable opportunity to broaden their academic horizon and boost their international legal research skills.

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